Thursday, January 21, 2010

About Those New "Postcards"......

Many of you have by now seen the new 4 by 5 inch Map "postcards". If you haven't, go to eBay and take a look. This format is very satisfying, especially for those of you who have been Map "tile" enthusiasts. It's the same mounting on recycled cardboard but at 1/4 scale (rather than 1/16) so that you can see all the detail- even read the inscriptions. And the eBay pricing (auctions starting at 99cents!) will permit all of you to start collecting right away! Have fun and good luck!


  1. While I have an extensive collection of the 2X2, 1/16 scale mapsters, after years of collecting I have only been able to wallpaper one small closet in my apartment (I chose a closet because I was afraid someone would sneak in and steal them when I wasn't there, or was asleep). Now, with the 4X5, 1/4 scale postcards, I'll not only be able to do a whole room--I'm ready to come out of the closet!--but I'll be able to send them to my friends with a 26 cent stamp, and start them collecting with a real bang for the buck. Truly, the maps are beautiful, and I love them. Thanks, Jerry.

  2. Unfortunately, James, it will take a 44-cent stamp. The cards are over-sized, but I have mailed some, and they come through beautifully. Thanks for your comments!

  3. so here's a question - how do coordinates like Y22/R6 or J17/R15 fit in the NSEW structure? I've got about 10 small tiles that I can't place within the context of the larger on-line map - one of the joys being tracking the pieces (and seeing how they've changed since the on-line scan.)

  4. John! Thanks for your post and apologies for taking so long to respond. J, R, Y, and G are Map Language equivalents of North, South, East, and West (not necessarily in that order!) Can you figure out the corresponding ones? If not, I will tell time!

